GlobalSway Team

Topics related to transformation, digital leadership, team dynamics, and coaching through change.

What it means to be a responsible leader

What it means to be a responsible leader

We hear a lot about responsibility and accountability in business, but what does it mean to be a responsible leader that finds satisfaction with their role? Well, we think it includes some of the following: They know how to set reasonable boundaries. They keep their...

Modeling Leadership

Modeling Leadership

When you think about your biggest heroes, the ones you wish you could be like, it's usually because of the way they act and the behaviour they exhibit. That's modeling. Leadership isn't about getting what you want from people, it's about building better leaders as you...

How to be a Sociable Leader

How to be a Sociable Leader

So many people in the technology space are introverts, at least it seems that way when we work with Information Technology groups.  How can you be sociable when what you want to do is focus on the tech solution? Here are some hints and tips that work on a one-to-one...

10 ways to practice the Art of Allowing

10 ways to practice the Art of Allowing

When was the last time you felt like you could be yourself at work? William A. Kahn, the founding father of engagement in the workplace, described psychological safety as early as 1990 in an Academy of Management Journal. It says you feel psychologically safe in these...

Practical leaders are the last to issue layoffs

Practical leaders are the last to issue layoffs

Great leaders go to the wall for their people.  The Board says, "we need to cut costs" and the practical leader knows these things... The team is already working lean Performance will be diminished if even one employee is lost The team may know the best way to save....

Leader, what matters to you?

Leader, what matters to you?

  We are not asking what you want or what you like. We want to know when all the shackles are off and you lay awake in bed at night, what would you care about the most? Money? Family? Love? Justice? The three things you value most and should drive every direction...

What it means to be a gracious leader

What it means to be a gracious leader

As the sun begins to set on your day, have you asked yourself if you have practiced graciousness? What does being gracious mean? First we need to ask "what is grace?" Oxford dictionary has two descriptions that, when combined, define someone who is gracious.  simple...


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