Advising Transformation & Curating Digital Leadership
We are advisors in transformation, executive leadership, team development, individual and team coaching, and digital transformation advisory.
Transformation Advisory
Simplifying the complexity of digital transformation efforts resulting in outcome-driven results.
Empowering sponsors and leaders with a comprehensive transformation roadmap.
So, your organization is on track for a transformation!
We work with your executives and senior managers in readiness, the strategic transformation roadmap, and risk assessment to identify the foundational conditions that must be in place for transformation to begin. We will perform an organizational assessment and tap into the governance changes necessary at all levels for your success.

Building unity and connection and empowering efficient high-performance teams in digital environments.
Solving inefficiencies through executive and workforce development.
We provide corporate essentials for digital leadership at multiple organizational levels. These essentials are the foundations for building resilient, future-ready organizations armed with collaborative, adaptable, and innovative teams. We work with individuals, groups, and teams to develop leaders, facilitate strategic planning and improve interpersonal and team skills. We also provide executive round tables to facilitate senior leadership development.

Levelling up careers, building industry relationships, and solving problems in complex adaptive systems.
Fueling professional goals through insights, feedback, and guidance.
Coaching is integral to an executive-level leadership toolbox, from board-member digital leadership understanding to executive coaching for developing high-performance teams. We provide one-on-one coaching, hybrid training and coaching, or group and team coaching. If asked, we will create a custom internal certification program for leaders as a prerequisite to leadership promotion using the basics from our Essential Sway and Legitimate Digital Leader programs.

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” —Eleanor Roosevelt
Strategic Transformation

When working on a digital transformation, companies need the conditions in place at the business level, but at the system level, we begin our discovery. Then we move to teams, followed by individuals at the you level to ensure we understand the impact and have identified any risk. Working with executive sponsors, we guide the transformation team through people, process and technology.
A Systems Approach
When embarking on any adjustment or transformation, viewing your company holistically from a systems-thinking perspective is helpful. Such a view enables you to see all the parts working together, which will either feed or counter the result you hope to achieve. From discovery to innovation, this approach stems from over 20 years of experience in business and technology and the need to guide clients using a systems approach to transformation. To accomplish this, we developed the GlobalSway System Model to the left. This model addresses the entire organization systemically from two prominent vantage points: the enterprise and the people.
The Enterprise
Transformation impacts the business, and it also impacts the system. It is imperative that the organization is assured of readiness and that they put the right conditions in place to ensure transformation success from the sponsorship and governance levels.
The People
Transformation also impacts individuals, teams and the interconnections, interdependencies, and relationships throughout the ecosystem. We work with your change practitioners to ensure assess and develop transition planning for the people within the entire ecosystem.
Workforce Development Approach

Custom Programs
We offer custom programs such as leadership presence, influencing change, conflict management, and a variety of other offerings suited to your specific needs. If asked, we will also develop internal certifications as required for internal promotions, ensuring the right leadership skills are developed as leaders level up through the organization.
The Essential Sway
Our interpretation of ‘Sway’ is ‘flexibility’ and ‘adaptability.’ Picture a surfer skilfully riding the waves, adjusting their stance and balance in sync with the ever-changing ocean. ‘Sway’ captures the ability to ride the ups and downs of business, modifying approaches to remain relevant and competitive.
Senior leadership puts essential digital leadership conditions in place. Various areas of the enterprise ensure the sustainment of those conditions.
The enterprise encourages global affinity supporting actions for system essentials. Leaders develop a global affinity, reaching beyond their team with system essentials bolstering organizational and career connections.
Leaders create team cohesion, working with their team and implementing team essentials for developing team unity and fostering cohesion with high-performance teams.
Leaders make the cognitive shift to digital leadership with the self-awareness of individual essentials for good leadership suited for today’s fast-paced environment.
Executive Coaching

Universal Leadership Coaching
Many of our executives prefer a coach available for situational purposes and keep us on a retainer with monthly or weekly calls outside of a traditionally designed program. Additionally, we may provide team training sessions following a leader breakthrough to ensure the application of the training remains current and to bring the team on board.
We work with you to develop corporate coaching, addressing challenges and development through appreciative inquiry, leading toward your desired outcomes.
Activating Self-Autonomy
We collaborate with you and your company and align with your existing policies, developing programs specific to how your organization inspires management to lead and your desired culture.
Pathways Toward Mastery
We work with you to establish support structures, map competencies, and measure progress. We also assist companies in building an internal certification process as a requisite to internal leadership growth.
Training/Coaching Hybrid
For teams, we first introduce the topic with a mini-training session. Afterward, we facilitate engagement and conversation and coach to specifics.
For executives, we collaborate on their coaching plan and roll it out to the team for the actualization of the coaching.
Building A Desired Culture
We work with you to develop intended culture outcomes, contributions, and role modelling by reinforcing organizational coaching actions to empower leader-coaching internally. Sessions can start with individual engagement and expand to teams as needed.
Inspire People At Your Event
our CEO, Patti, carefully crafted talks to inspire and motivate your team and customers or keynote at your event. Inspire a new generation of leaders who are ready for the future!
A massive change convergence is pushing leaders to the limit. The forces around them include technologies, software, networks, cloud, economic factors, and worker perspectives. Navigating this means you must develop leaders capable of leading in this high-velocity, complex business environment. Patti speaks on leadership, technology, and governance in the digital business environment.
“Mastery is great, but even that is not enough. You have to be able to change course without a bead of sweat, or remorse.” —Tom Peters
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