Executive Coaching

Topics related to transformation, digital leadership, team dynamics, and coaching through change.

New Year Coaching Tips For Sustainable Change

New Year Coaching Tips For Sustainable Change

Entering the New Year always evokes this refreshed renewal in my soul. I can’t help but want to improve something, get better, make the next year brighter and more joyful. Are you looking for practical coaching tips for sustainable and positive change? If so, I am...

10 ways to practice the Art of Allowing

10 ways to practice the Art of Allowing

When was the last time you felt like you could be yourself at work? William A. Kahn, the founding father of engagement in the workplace, described psychological safety as early as 1990 in an Academy of Management Journal. It says you feel psychologically safe in these...

What it means to be a gracious leader

What it means to be a gracious leader

As the sun begins to set on your day, have you asked yourself if you have practiced graciousness? What does being gracious mean? First we need to ask "what is grace?" Oxford dictionary has two descriptions that, when combined, define someone who is gracious.  simple...


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